Managing Minor Playground Accidents

Incident Introduction
Incident Introduction
Today, just before the final bell, Ava experienced a minor accident. She stumbled in the playground and suffered a grazed knee, but remained brave throughout the ordeal.
Assessing Ava's Knee
Assessing Ava's Knee
After Ava fell, immediate attention was given. A first aid assessment concluded it was a graze. We cleaned the wound and applied a bandage to prevent infection and promote healing.
Communicating with Mrs. Timms
Communicating with Mrs. Timms
Approaching Mrs. Timms, one could say: 'Good afternoon, Mrs. Timms! I wanted to inform you that Ava grazed her knee today. She's been very courageous and it's been taken care of.'
Ava's Post-Fall Care
Ava's Post-Fall Care
Ava has been monitored since the incident. She was encouraged to rest and given an ice pack to reduce swelling. Her spirits remained high, and she participated in less strenuous activities.
Home Care Advice
Home Care Advice
It's recommended to continue monitoring Ava's knee at home. If swelling or redness increases, a visit to the doctor may be necessary. Keeping the wound clean is paramount.
Emotional Support Importance
Emotional Support Importance
Children like Ava may need emotional support after a fall. Acknowledge her bravery and encourage her to share her feelings about the incident when she feels ready.
Follow-Up Reminder
Follow-Up Reminder
Don't forget to check in with Ava and Mrs. Timms tomorrow. A quick follow-up can ensure Ava's knee is healing and that there are no further concerns. Mascot
What caused Ava's injury?
Fell off the swing
Stumbled in playground
Hit by a ball