Introduction to Endocrinology

Introduction to Endocrinology
Introduction to Endocrinology
The endocrine system is a network of glands secreting hormones to regulate bodily functions. It works alongside the nervous system, orchestrating processes like growth, metabolism, and reproduction.
Major Endocrine Glands
Major Endocrine Glands
Key players include the pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands, as well as the pancreas. The pituitary, known as the 'master gland', controls others by releasing hormones that signal them to work.
Hormones: Chemical Messengers
Hormones: Chemical Messengers
Hormones are the system's language. They travel through the bloodstream to target organs, acting as keys to unlock specific biological functions, each with a unique mode of action.
Endocrine vs. Nervous System
Endocrine vs. Nervous System
While the nervous system communicates through electrical impulses for quick responses, the endocrine system uses hormonal signals for slower, but longer-lasting, effects on the body.
Feedback Loops Control
Feedback Loops Control
Homeostasis is maintained via feedback loops. For instance, blood sugar levels are regulated by insulin and glucagon through a precise balance, akin to a thermostat controlling room temperature.
Endocrine Disruptors
Endocrine Disruptors
Surprisingly, certain chemicals in the environment can mimic or block natural hormones, causing 'endocrine disruption'. Common culprits include plastics, pesticides, and even some personal care products.
Recent Discoveries
Recent Discoveries
New hormones and their functions are still being discovered. For example, the hormone irisin, linked to exercise, can convert white fat into brown fat, showing potential in obesity treatment. Mascot
What regulates bodily functions alongside nerves?
Circulatory system
Endocrine system
Muscular system