First Aid Essentials: Common Misconceptions and Updated Practices

First Aid Misconceptions
First Aid Misconceptions
Many believe alcohol disinfects wounds, but it can actually harm tissue and delay healing. Instead, run clean water over the injury to clean it and use mild antiseptic for disinfection.
CPR: Not Always Mouth-to-Mouth
CPR: Not Always Mouth-to-Mouth
CPR has evolved. 'Hands-Only CPR' with just chest compressions at 100-120 beats per minute is effective in emergencies for adults and teenagers, especially if you're untrained in rescue breaths.
Jellyfish Sting Treatment
Jellyfish Sting Treatment
Contrary to popular belief, urine isn't a remedy for jellyfish stings. It can actually worsen the pain. Instead, rinse with vinegar to neutralize the sting and remove tentacles with tweezers.
Heimlich Maneuver Update
Heimlich Maneuver Update
For choking, first aid guidelines now recommend five back blows between the shoulder blades before attempting five abdominal thrusts. Repeat as necessary. This increases the chance of dislodging the obstruction.
Stroke Identification: FAST
Stroke Identification: FAST
Use the acronym FAST to identify strokes: Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties, and Time to call emergency services. Quick response can significantly improve outcomes and reduce long-term disabilities.
Hypothermia: Not Just Cold
Hypothermia: Not Just Cold
Hypothermia can occur in temperatures above freezing, especially if a person becomes chilled from rain, sweat, or submersion in cold water. Warm the core first, not extremities, to prevent shock.
Burns: The Critical First Step
Burns: The Critical First Step
For burns, cooling the area immediately under cool running water for at least 20 minutes is crucial. It reduces tissue damage and pain. Don't apply ice directly as it can cause further damage. Mascot
What's wrong for disinfecting wounds?
Alcohol, harms tissue
Running water over injury
Using mild antiseptic