Understanding the Method of Least Squares

Origins of Least Squares
Origins of Least Squares
The method of least squares was first published by Adrien-Marie Legendre in 1805. Carl Friedrich Gauss had been using the method since 1795 for astronomical observations and formalized the theory.
Fundamental Principle
Fundamental Principle
Least squares minimizes the sum of the squared differences between observed values and those predicted by a model. This optimization leads to the best-fitting line through a set of points.
Applications Beyond Fitting
Applications Beyond Fitting
While known for curve fitting, least squares solves system over-determinations and under-determinations, and it's fundamental in statistical estimations, like linear regression.
Algorithm Variations
Algorithm Variations
There are variations like weighted least squares for heteroscedastic data, and generalized least squares to handle correlated errors, broadening the method's applicability.
Computational Evolution
Computational Evolution
The advent of computers transformed least squares from manual graph plotting to complex multivariate data analysis, enabling its use in real-time applications and large datasets.
Robustness and Outliers
Robustness and Outliers
Standard least squares is sensitive to outliers. Robust least squares methods have been developed to mitigate this issue, enhancing the technique's reliability in real-world data.
Quantum Computing Impact
Quantum Computing Impact
Emerging research suggests quantum algorithms could solve least squares problems exponentially faster than classical methods, potentially revolutionizing data analysis in the future.
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Who first published the least squares method?
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Adrien-Marie Legendre
Isaac Newton