Principal: Beyond the Basics
Principal: Beyond the Basics
The word 'principal' has multiple meanings. In finance, it refers to original sum of money lent or invested, excluding any interest or profits.
Educational Leadership Role
Educational Leadership Role
In education, a principal is the head of a school. Interestingly, the term reflects their 'principal' role in ensuring educational quality and managing school affairs.
Principal in Business
Principal in Business
In business, 'principal' can denote a company owner or main party to a transaction. It distinguishes from an agent, who represents others in deals.
Legal Context Explained
Legal Context Explained
Legally, a 'principal' can be an entity that authorizes another (the agent) to act on its behalf. This is instrumental in contract law and agency law.
Principal in Performing Arts
Principal in Performing Arts
In performing arts, 'principal' refers to a leading performer, such as the main ballerina or actor. Their roles are central to the performance's success.
Compound Interest Impact
Compound Interest Impact
With compound interest, the principal grows over time. Albert Einstein allegedly called compound interest the 'eighth wonder of the world' due to its powerful effect on capital.
Principal vs. Principle
Principal vs. Principle
Don't confuse 'principal' with 'principle,' meaning a fundamental truth or proposition. Remember, the school 'principal' is your 'pal,' a mnemonic to differentiate the two. Mascot
What does 'principal' mean in finance?
Total sum with interest
Original sum invested or lent
Yearly financial turnover