Creative Problem Solving Essentials

Defining Creative Problem Solving
Defining Creative Problem Solving
Creative problem solving (CPS) is an approach that involves innovative and lateral thinking. Beyond linear analysis, CPS uses imaginative strategies to find unique solutions to complex issues.
CPS History and Evolution
CPS History and Evolution
The term 'Creative Problem Solving' originated with Alex Osborn in the 1940s. He pioneered brainstorming and developed CPS as a structured process. It has evolved through various models, integrating psychological research and design thinking.
Stages of CPS Process
Stages of CPS Process
CPS typically follows four stages: Clarify, Ideate, Develop, and Implement. Each stage has tools and techniques, such as mind mapping for ideation or prototyping for development, to enhance creative output.
Divergence and Convergence
Divergence and Convergence
CPS relies on divergent thinking to generate many ideas and convergent thinking to refine and choose the best idea. Balancing both is key, with techniques like SCAMPER and Six Thinking Hats aiding the process.
CPS in Group Dynamics
CPS in Group Dynamics
While often considered an individual skill, CPS gains depth in groups. Group dynamics can unleash collective creativity, leading to richer solutions. Facilitation techniques are crucial to navigate group CPS sessions successfully.
Barriers to Creative Solutions
Barriers to Creative Solutions
Common barriers to CPS include functional fixedness, cognitive biases, and fear of failure. Recognizing and overcoming these through methods like the Five Whys can lead to breakthroughs in problem-solving.
CPS in Real-world Applications
CPS in Real-world Applications
From innovative tech startups to global policy-making, CPS is applied across fields. It has led to surprising solutions like repurposing shipping containers for housing and using drones to plant trees. Mascot
What is at CPS core?
Linear, analytical thinking
Imaginative, lateral strategies
Fixedness and biases