The Fascinating World of Cheese

Cheese: An Ancient Food
Cheese: An Ancient Food
Cheese has been a staple for millennia. The earliest evidence dates back to 5500 BCE in what is now Poland. Ancient cheese-making likely began with sheep or goat's milk.
Countless Varieties Worldwide
Countless Varieties Worldwide
Over 1,800 types of cheese exist globally, each with unique flavors and textures. They range from France's soft Camembert to Italy's hard Parmigiano-Reggiano, showcasing diverse cheese-making techniques.
Blue Cheese: A Happy Accident
Blue Cheese: A Happy Accident
Blue cheese's distinctive veins are from Penicillium mold. Historically, cheeses were aged in caves, where these molds naturally occurred, leading to the accidental creation of blue cheese.
Cheese Consumption and Health
Cheese Consumption and Health
While often high in fat, cheese is also rich in calcium, protein, and vitamins B12 and A. Some studies suggest that moderate cheese consumption can be part of a healthy diet.
The Stinkiest Cheese Revealed
The Stinkiest Cheese Revealed
The title for the world's smelliest cheese goes to 'Vieux Boulogne'. A French cheese, its pungent odor is so strong, it's scientifically proven to be the most intense.
Cheese: A Climate Factor?
Cheese: A Climate Factor?
Cheese production can have a significant environmental impact. For example, producing a kilogram of cheese can emit as much CO2 as driving a car for 10 miles, due to methane from dairy cows.
Space-Aged Cheese Affinage
Space-Aged Cheese Affinage
In a unique experiment, 12 wheels of French cheese were sent to the International Space Station. This was to study how microgravity affects the aging process and flavor of cheese. Mascot
When did cheese-making likely begin?
5500 BCE in Poland
4500 BCE in France
3000 BCE in Italy