The Fascinating History and Evolution of Handshakes

Origins of Handshakes
Origins of Handshakes
The handshake has origins dating back to at least the 5th century BC in Greece. It was a symbol of peace, showing that neither person was carrying a weapon.
Handshakes in Hieroglyphs
Handshakes in Hieroglyphs
Ancient Egyptian art features handshaking. This suggests the gesture was used during their time, possibly as a way to display mutual respect and agreement.
Roman Power Gesture
Roman Power Gesture
Romans added a twist by grasping forearms. This was to check for hidden knives. The practice also demonstrated strength and trust between soldiers and citizens alike.
Medieval Europe's Usage
Medieval Europe's Usage
In medieval Europe, knights would shake hands to dislodge any weapons hidden up sleeves. The greeting also evolved to signify goodwill and solemnize vows.
Quakers Promote Equality
Quakers Promote Equality
In the 17th century, Quakers popularized handshakes over bows and hat tipping because they viewed it as a more egalitarian form of greeting, emphasizing social equality.
Handshake's Health Impact
Handshake's Health Impact
In recent times, handshakes are scrutinized for their health implications, notably spreading germs, leading to alternative greetings such as fist bumps or elbow taps.
Modern Handshake Variations
Modern Handshake Variations
Today, handshakes vary culturally, from the firm American grip emphasizing confidence to the softer Japanese approach that respects personal space and formality. Mascot
What was the handshake's original purpose?
Formal greeting
A peace symbol in Greece
A Roman strength test