Developmental Milestones at Five Months

Cognitive Development Milestones
Cognitive Development Milestones
At five months, babies start recognizing their own names. They also begin to understand cause and effect, often enjoying toys that respond to their actions, which helps in developing their cognitive skills further.
Enhanced Sensory Perception
Enhanced Sensory Perception
Babies at this age have improved vision, now seeing in full color. They can follow moving objects more smoothly and can differentiate between familiar and unfamiliar faces.
Advanced Motor Skills
Advanced Motor Skills
A five-month-old can typically roll over from tummy to back. They may also begin to sit with support, and their grasping ability becomes more precise, allowing them to pick up smaller objects.
Emotional Awareness Increases
Emotional Awareness Increases
By this age, infants show a greater range of emotions and can express joy, frustration, and curiosity. They start to form stronger attachments to caregivers and may show signs of separation anxiety.
Social Interaction Growth
Social Interaction Growth
Five-month-old babies enjoy social play and may mimic facial expressions and sounds. They respond to their own names and start to understand conversational tones, laying the groundwork for future language development.
Surprising Memory Capability
Surprising Memory Capability
Five-month-old babies can remember events for up to two weeks, showcasing early, impressive memory skills that are foundational for future learning and development. Mascot
When do babies recognize names?
At five months old
At six months old
At four months old