Mastering Mewing: Techniques for Improved Jawline

Understanding Mewing Basics
Understanding Mewing Basics
Mewing is a technique developed by Dr. John Mew, involving proper tongue posture to potentially influence jawline shape. Proper tongue placement is flat against the roof of the mouth, promoting facial symmetry and defined jawlines over time.
Core Mewing Principles
Core Mewing Principles
Effective mewing requires consistent practice. Key principles include lips together, teeth slightly touching, and the entire tongue pressed against the palate. This position should be maintained as much as possible throughout the day for optimal results.
Chewing Exercises
Chewing Exercises
Chewing tough, fibrous foods or mastic gum strengthens jaw muscles, potentially expediting mewing results. It encourages the mandible to grow stronger and more defined, contributing to forward facial growth.
Chin Tucks for Posture
Chin Tucks for Posture
Chin tucks can complement mewing by improving neck and spine alignment. Proper posture supports the mewing technique, which may enhance facial structure. Perform regularly by pulling the chin directly back to create a 'double chin'.
Breathing and Swallowing
Breathing and Swallowing
Breathing through the nose, not the mouth, reinforces mewing’s effects. Correct swallowing technique, with the tongue pressing up against the palate, also helps engage the right muscles for forward facial growth.
Consistency is Key
Consistency is Key
Mewing isn’t an overnight solution. It demands consistent application, often for several hours daily. Many practitioners report noticeable changes after several months to years of disciplined practice.
Measuring Progress
Measuring Progress
Documenting your journey with photos can track changes and motivate continued practice. Frontal and profile pictures taken monthly can reveal subtle improvements in facial structure over time. Mascot
Who developed mewing technique?
Dr. John Mew
Dr. Mike Mew
Dr. James Mew