Making Liquid Soap from Scratch

Ingredients You Need
Ingredients You Need
Making liquid soap requires oils like olive or coconut, potassium hydroxide, distilled water, and essential oils for fragrance. Unlike solid soap, liquid soap uses potassium hydroxide, which produces a softer soap that's more soluble in water.
Saponification Process Explained
Saponification Process Explained
Saponification is the chemical reaction between fats/oils and an alkali (potassium hydroxide for liquid soap). This process breaks down oils into fatty acids and glycerin, forming soap. Surprisingly, glycerin remains in the final product, offering moisturizing properties.
Cooking the Soap Paste
Cooking the Soap Paste
Mix oils and potassium hydroxide solution, then cook the mixture for several hours. This creates a thick soap paste. Did you know? The paste can be stored for months and diluted as needed, allowing for easy customization later.
Dilution and Additives
Dilution and Additives
Dilute the soap paste with distilled water to achieve the desired consistency. Add essential oils, colorants, or other additives. Fun fact: Properly diluted liquid soap can be more eco-friendly than commercial versions due to fewer synthetic additives.
Bottling and Usage
Bottling and Usage
Pour the finished liquid soap into bottles for storage. Liquid soap can be used for handwashing, dishwashing, or even as a gentle shampoo. Interestingly, homemade liquid soap often has a longer shelf life due to its natural preservation properties.
Ancient Soap Evidence
Ancient Soap Evidence
Archaeologists found soap-like material in clay cylinders dating back to 2800 BC in ancient Babylon, proving soap-making's ancient roots. Mascot
Which alkali is used for liquid soap?
Potassium hydroxide.
Sodium hydroxide.
Ammonium hydroxide.