The Fundamentals of Dry Brushing

What Is Dry Brushing?
What Is Dry Brushing?
Dry brushing involves using a stiff-bristled brush on dry skin to enhance blood flow and stimulate the lymphatic system, supporting detoxification.
Lymphatic System Explained
Lymphatic System Explained
The lymphatic system is crucial for immune function and fluid balance. It's a network of vessels transporting lymph, a fluid containing white blood cells.
Brush Selection Matters
Brush Selection Matters
Select a natural, non-synthetic bristle brush. The bristles should be firm yet not too harsh to prevent skin irritation.
Proper Brushing Technique
Proper Brushing Technique
Start at your feet, moving upwards in long, fluid strokes towards the heart. Use circular motions around joints. Be gentle on sensitive areas.
Frequency and Duration
Frequency and Duration
Dry brush for about 3-5 minutes before showering, ideally in the morning, to invigorate the skin and boost lymphatic drainage throughout the day.
Aftercare Is Key
Aftercare Is Key
After dry brushing, shower to wash away exfoliated skin. Moisturize with a natural lotion or oil to hydrate and maintain skin health.
Benefits Beyond Lymphatics
Benefits Beyond Lymphatics
Regular dry brushing may reduce cellulite, exfoliate dead skin cells, and improve overall skin texture and appearance, alongside promoting lymphatic health. Mascot
What does dry brushing stimulate?
Muscle growth
Blood flow and lymphatics
Hair follicles