Successful Mainframe Migration to Open Systems

Assess Current Mainframe Environment
Assess Current Mainframe Environment
Begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment of your existing mainframe environment. This includes identifying all applications, data dependencies, and hardware components. Surprisingly, 70% of enterprises find unexpected dependencies during this phase.
Choose Appropriate Open Systems
Choose Appropriate Open Systems
Select suitable open systems platforms that meet your performance and scalability needs. Interestingly, many organizations find that hybrid cloud solutions provide better flexibility and cost-efficiency compared to solely on-premises systems.
Plan Data Migration Strategy
Plan Data Migration Strategy
Develop a meticulous data migration strategy that ensures data integrity and minimal downtime. Did you know? Implementing change data capture (CDC) techniques can reduce downtime by 50% during migration.
Migrate Applications Incrementally
Migrate Applications Incrementally
Migrate applications in phases to minimize risks and operational disruptions. Surprisingly, 80% of successful migrations involve incremental steps rather than a 'big bang' approach. This allows for easier troubleshooting and rollback if needed.
Decommission Mainframe Safely
Decommission Mainframe Safely
Once migration is complete, decommission the mainframe carefully to avoid data loss. Fun fact: Some companies have repurposed old mainframe hardware for educational purposes, turning them into valuable teaching tools.
Unexpected Cost Savings
Unexpected Cost Savings
A surprising fact: Shutting down a mainframe can save up to $1 million annually on power and cooling costs alone. This often exceeds initial migration expenses. Mascot
What percent find unexpected dependencies?