Robotics: An Introduction

Robotics: An Introduction
Robotics: An Introduction
Robotics combines engineering, science, and technology to create machines, robots, that can substitute or replicate human actions. The term 'robot' was coined in 1920 by Karel Čapek.
History and Evolution
History and Evolution
The first programmable robot, Unimate, worked on a General Motors assembly line in 1961. Since then, robotics has evolved from simple mechanical arms to complex, AI-driven autonomous systems.
Robotics in Medicine
Robotics in Medicine
Medical robotics has revolutionized healthcare, enabling high-precision surgery and rehabilitation. For instance, the da Vinci Surgical System allows surgeons to operate through tiny incisions.
Space Robots Exploration
Space Robots Exploration
Robots like NASA's Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, have explored the Martian surface, relaying vital data back to Earth, far exceeding their expected service life and mission scope.
Biomimicry in Robotics
Biomimicry in Robotics
Biomimetic robots imitate nature, like the RoboBee, which flies and behaves like a bee. These machines could pollinate crops, redefining agriculture in the future.
Ethics and Future Concerns
Ethics and Future Concerns
Robotics raises ethical questions regarding employment, privacy, and security. The future of robotics might involve ethical frameworks guiding robot integration into society. Mascot
Who coined the term 'robot'?
Isaac Asimov in 1942
Karel Čapek in 1920
Nikola Tesla in 1898