India's Path to Gas Sector Self-Sufficiency

Introduction to Gas Sector
Introduction to Gas Sector
India's gas sector plays a crucial role in its energy landscape. The country imports around 50% of its natural gas, highlighting the need for energy self-sufficiency. Achieving this independence requires strategic planning and investment in domestic resources.
Domestic Production Growth
Domestic Production Growth
India's domestic gas production has been growing, thanks to new discoveries in the Krishna-Godavari basin. The basin is projected to produce 15% of India's total gas by 2025, drastically reducing the country's dependency on imports.
Role of Renewable Methane
Role of Renewable Methane
A surprising fact is India's investment in renewable methane (biogas) from agricultural waste. This initiative could replace up to 18% of imported natural gas by 2030, contributing significantly to energy self-sufficiency while addressing waste management issues.
LNG Import Infrastructure
LNG Import Infrastructure
India's Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) import infrastructure is rapidly expanding. New terminals in states like Gujarat and Odisha are increasing storage capacity, ensuring a more reliable supply and reducing the sector's vulnerability to global market fluctuations.
Future Prospects and Challenges
Future Prospects and Challenges
While advancements are promising, challenges such as regulatory hurdles and investment shortages persist. However, with continued policy support and technological innovation, India aims to achieve significant strides towards gas sector energy self-sufficiency by 2040.
Gas from Landfills
Gas from Landfills
India is exploring extracting natural gas from landfills. This unconventional source could potentially supply 10% of the country's gas needs by 2035. Mascot
What percentage of India's gas is imported?
Around 50%
Around 30%
Around 70%