Australia's Transition from Coal to Renewable Energy

Australia's Coal Dependency
Australia's Coal Dependency
Historically, Australia has heavily relied on coal-fired power, with coal constituting around 60% of its electricity generation as of 2021, making it one of the highest per capita CO2 emitters.
Renewable Energy Growth
Renewable Energy Growth
Renewable energy is on the rise in Australia, with wind and solar power increasing rapidly. In 2020, renewables accounted for over 27% of Australia's electricity, lessening coal dependency.
Government Policy Shift
Government Policy Shift
Australian government policies are gradually shifting towards cleaner energy. The 2020 Technology Investment Roadmap aims to bring new low-emissions technologies to economic parity with existing technologies.
Coal Phase-Out Challenges
Coal Phase-Out Challenges
Transitioning from coal presents challenges such as energy security concerns, potential job losses in coal regions, and the need for substantial investment in energy infrastructure.
Economic & Environmental Balance
Economic & Environmental Balance
Australia is balancing economic interests with environmental commitments. It's investing in technology to potentially use hydrogen and carbon capture and storage (CCS) to reduce emissions.
International Pressure
International Pressure
Global movements and international agreements are pressuring Australia to phase out coal faster. Despite this, Australia has not set a definitive end date for coal power.
Future Energy Outlook
Future Energy Outlook
The Australian Energy Market Operator's (AEMO) forecasts show a significant increase in renewable infrastructure, suggesting a future where coal's role in Australia's energy mix is greatly diminished. Mascot
What was coal's electricity percentage in 2021?
Around 60% in Australia
Approximately 30% in Australia
Over 75% in Australia