Understanding the Nigerian Education System

Nigerian Education Overview
Nigerian Education Overview
Nigeria's educational framework, known as the 6-3-3-4 system, was introduced in 1982 to improve every level of schooling and foster socio-economic development.
6-3-3-4 Structure Explained
6-3-3-4 Structure Explained
This system consists of 6 years of primary education, 3 years of junior secondary, 3 years of senior secondary, and a minimum of 4 years tertiary education.
Primary Education Focus
Primary Education Focus
Primary education develops basic literacy, numeracy, and life skills. With Universal Basic Education, Nigeria aims for full access and retention by 2030.
Secondary Education Divergence
Secondary Education Divergence
After junior secondary, students diverge into academic or vocational training paths, reflecting personal interests and labor market demands.
Tertiary Institutions Variety
Tertiary Institutions Variety
Tertiary education includes universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education. Nigeria has over 170 universities, both public and private, as of 2023.
Surprising Literacy Fact
Surprising Literacy Fact
Nigeria has the largest number of out-of-school children globally, despite significant educational reforms and investments.
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When was the 6-3-3-4 system introduced?