Introduction to School Vouchers

Introduction to School Vouchers
Introduction to School Vouchers
Private school vouchers are government-funded scholarships that allow students to attend private schools instead of public schools. They aim to provide more educational choices for families, especially those in low-income areas.
Voucher History and Growth
Voucher History and Growth
The concept of school vouchers was first proposed by economist Milton Friedman in 1955. Since then, the use of vouchers has expanded in various states and countries, with significant growth in the past two decades.
Impact on Public Schools
Impact on Public Schools
Critics argue that vouchers divert essential funds from public schools, potentially lowering their quality. However, proponents claim that competition from private schools incentivizes public schools to improve their performance.
Surprising Voucher Statistics
Surprising Voucher Statistics
Approximately 28 states in the U.S. have some form of voucher program. Studies show mixed results, with some indicating improved student outcomes, while others suggest minimal impact on academic performance.
Global Voucher Programs
Global Voucher Programs
Countries like Sweden and Chile have implemented voucher systems with varying success. Sweden's universal voucher program is notable for its inclusivity, allowing all students to choose among public and private schools.
Unexpected Voucher Fact
Unexpected Voucher Fact
In Colombia, private school vouchers exist for low-income students, helping over 800,000 children access private education since 1991. Mascot
Who proposed school vouchers first?
Milton Friedman in 1955
John Keynes in 1945
Adam Smith in 1776