Understanding Vegan Baking

Understanding Vegan Baking
Understanding Vegan Baking
Vegan baking avoids all animal products. This means no dairy, eggs, or honey. Instead, it uses plant-based alternatives to create textures and flavors that traditional baking relies on, often resulting in healthier and more ethical treats.
Egg Alternatives Explored
Egg Alternatives Explored
Eggs bind and leaven in baking. Vegan alternatives include flax or chia seeds mixed with water, mashed bananas, applesauce, silken tofu, and commercially prepared replacers. Each substitute offers unique properties and flavors to the final baked good.
Dairy-Free Milks & Creams
Dairy-Free Milks & Creams
Soy, almond, oat, and coconut milk can replace cow's milk. Coconut cream and soaked, blended cashews mimic heavy cream. These not only avoid dairy but can also add new dimensions of flavor to your baked goods.
Butter & Fat Substitutes
Butter & Fat Substitutes
Vegan butter is a common alternative, but don't overlook avocado, pureed fruits, or vegetable oils. These can add moisture and richness, often with less saturated fat and additional nutrients not found in traditional butter.
Sweeteners Go Plant-Based
Sweeteners Go Plant-Based
Instead of honey, try agave nectar, maple syrup, or molasses. These sweeteners come from plants and can provide complex flavors and moisture. Be aware that some sugars are processed with bone char, so look for certified vegan brands.
Leavening Without Eggs
Leavening Without Eggs
Baking soda and vinegar can create a chemical reaction that makes vegan cakes rise. Alternatively, using baking powder or self-rising flour can provide the necessary lift to your vegan baked goods without the need for eggs.
Vegan Baking Surprises
Vegan Baking Surprises
Aquafaba, the liquid from canned chickpeas, whips into a foam like egg whites for meringues and mousses. Black beans replace flour in brownies, adding protein and fiber. Vegan baking can be a delightful exploration beyond traditional methods.
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What does vegan baking exclude?
Only dairy and honey
Dairy, eggs, honey
Just animal milk