The Evolution of Ice Cream: A Delectable Journey Through History

Ice Cream's Ancient Origins
Ice Cream's Ancient Origins
Ice cream's ancestry dates back to 200 BC in China, where a frozen mixture of milk and rice was consumed. Over time, variants with fruit juices emerged as refreshing treats for royalty and elite.
Italian Ice Cream Pioneers
Italian Ice Cream Pioneers
Bernardo Buontalenti, a Florentine architect, is credited with inventing modern gelato in the 16th century. His creation for the Medici court featured the first known inclusion of dairy in frozen desserts.
Industrial Revolution Impact
Industrial Revolution Impact
Ice cream production was revolutionized by Nancy Johnson's invention of the hand-cranked freezer in 1843. This innovation significantly reduced the cost and labor involved in ice cream making, leading to its widespread popularity.
Agnes B. Marshall's Legacy
Agnes B. Marshall's Legacy
Agnes Bertha Marshall, an English culinary entrepreneur, improved ice cream making with her patented freezer design in 1885, and suggested using liquid nitrogen for freezing, a concept way ahead of her time.
Margaret Thatcher's Creamy Past
Margaret Thatcher's Creamy Past
Before her political career, the UK's future Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was part of a team of chemists that developed soft-serve ice cream's airier texture in the 1950s, which allowed for quicker service.
Ben & Jerry's Social Impact
Ben & Jerry's Social Impact
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield transformed ice cream into a tool for social change, infusing their company's values with environmental sustainability and social justice since starting Ben & Jerry's in 1978.
Modern Molecular Gastronomy
Modern Molecular Gastronomy
Chef Ferran Adrià and other molecular gastronomists have redefined ice cream textures and flavors, using science to create new forms of this classic dessert, like olive oil ice cream and savory variants. Mascot
Who invented gelato?
Nancy Johnson
Bernardo Buontalenti
Agnes B. Marshall