The Rise of Gaming and Animation Industries

Gaming Surpasses Hollywood
Gaming Surpasses Hollywood
The global gaming market is projected to exceed $200 billion by 2023, surpassing the film industry's revenue. This growth is fueled by the increasing popularity of mobile games and the expansion of eSports.
Animation: A Growing Giant
Animation: A Growing Giant
Animation industry's worth is set to reach over $400 billion by 2025. This includes film, television, video games, and simulation, driven by technological advancements and high demand for animated entertainment content.
Mobile Gaming Dominance
Mobile Gaming Dominance
Mobile games are the industry's powerhouse, occupying 45% of the global market. Easy accessibility and the rise of smartphone usage contribute to mobile gaming's dominant position in the industry.
Esports Explosion
Esports Explosion
Esports viewership is expected to grow to 646 million by 2023, making it one of the fastest-growing sectors in gaming. Major investments and sponsorship deals are fueling this unprecedented rise.
Virtual Reality Gains Traction
Virtual Reality Gains Traction
With an expected annual growth rate of 30%, the VR segment in gaming and animation is rapidly advancing, offering immersive experiences and driving innovation in storytelling and interactive content.
China: Gaming Colossus
China: Gaming Colossus
China's gaming market is the largest globally, with revenues surpassing $40 billion. Government regulations and local player preferences shape a unique gaming ecosystem in the region.
Animation Outsourcing Trends
Animation Outsourcing Trends
To reduce costs, major studios are increasingly outsourcing animation production, with India and the Philippines becoming global animation outsourcing hubs due to their skilled, English-speaking workforce. Mascot
Projected global gaming market value by 2023?
Exceeds $200 billion
Below $100 billion
Same as film industry