Keyboard Cleaning Essentials

Keyboard Cleaning Essentials
Keyboard Cleaning Essentials
Keyboards can harbor more bacteria than a toilet seat. Regular cleaning is essential not only for hygiene but also for functionality, preventing sticky keys and typing errors.
Preparation and Safety
Preparation and Safety
Before cleaning, unplug the keyboard or power off the device. Remove batteries if applicable. This ensures safety and prevents damage to the keyboard's electronic components.
Dust Removal Techniques
Dust Removal Techniques
Start by inverting and gently shaking the keyboard to dislodge loose debris. Use compressed air to blow out dust from between keys, or a keyboard vacuum for a more thorough clean.
Deep Cleaning Keys
Deep Cleaning Keys
For a deeper clean, carefully remove keys with a keycap puller. Soak keycaps in soapy water, scrub, rinse and dry completely before reattaching.
Sanitizing the Surface
Sanitizing the Surface
Wipe the keyboard's surface with a soft cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol. It evaporates quickly, preventing moisture damage and killing pathogens.
Maintaining a Clean Keyboard
Maintaining a Clean Keyboard
Prevent accumulation of dirt by washing hands before use, avoiding eating over the keyboard, and using keyboard covers. Clean your keyboard bi-weekly.
Professional Cleaning Options
Professional Cleaning Options
For a keyboard that needs more than a basic clean, consider professional ultrasonic cleaning. It can remove all traces of dirt and oils without disassembly. Mascot
What harbors more bacteria than a toilet seat?
Computer mouse
Desk surface