Introduction to Taekwondo

Origins of Taekwondo
Origins of Taekwondo
Taekwondo originated in Korea over 2,000 years ago. It combines elements of karate and traditional Korean martial arts such as Taekkyeon and Subak. It was officially named Taekwondo in 1955, blending 'Tae' (foot), 'Kwon' (fist), and 'Do' (way).
Olympic Inclusion
Olympic Inclusion
Taekwondo became an official Olympic sport in the 2000 Sydney Games. It is one of the few martial arts featured in the Olympics, alongside Judo. The inclusion has helped popularize the sport globally and standardize its competition rules.
Unique Belt System
Unique Belt System
Unlike many martial arts, Taekwondo's belt system can vary significantly between organizations. The most common sequence is white, yellow, green, blue, red, and black. Some organizations have additional colors or stripes to signify intermediate levels.
Self-Defense and Philosophy
Self-Defense and Philosophy
Taekwondo isn't just physical. It emphasizes mental discipline, respect, and ethical behavior. The five tenets are: courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit. Practitioners strive to embody these values both inside and outside the dojo.
Breaking Techniques
Breaking Techniques
Taekwondo practitioners are famous for their breaking techniques, often showcased in demonstrations. These techniques test precision, speed, and power. Boards, bricks, and tiles are common materials broken with kicks, punches, and even headbutts.
Historical Weapon Ban
Historical Weapon Ban
Taekwondo evolved partly due to a 15th-century Korean weapon ban, pushing martial artists to focus on hand and foot techniques for self-defense. Mascot
When was Taekwondo officially named?
In 1955
In the 2000s
Over 2,000 years ago