Organic Chemistry in Modern Medicine

Role in Drug Development
Role in Drug Development
Organic chemistry is crucial in drug development, as it allows scientists to design and synthesize new pharmaceuticals. Over 90% of new drugs are organic compounds, highlighting the importance of this field in modern medicine.
Natural Products in Medicine
Natural Products in Medicine
Many life-saving drugs originate from natural products. For example, the cancer drug paclitaxel was derived from the Pacific yew tree. Organic chemistry helps in understanding and replicating these complex structures for mass production.
Metabolism and Biotransformation
Metabolism and Biotransformation
Organic chemistry explains how drugs are metabolized and transformed in the body. Enzymes convert lipophilic drugs into more water-soluble compounds for easier excretion, impacting drug efficacy and safety profiles.
Chirality in Drug Action
Chirality in Drug Action
The chirality, or ‘handedness,’ of molecules can drastically affect drug action. Thalidomide's tragic history is a stark reminder: one enantiomer was a sedative, while the other caused birth defects. Modern organic chemistry ensures careful enantiomeric purity.
Prodrugs and Targeted Delivery
Prodrugs and Targeted Delivery
Prodrugs are inactive compounds that metabolize into active drugs within the body, enhancing efficacy and reducing side effects. Organic chemistry enables the design of these sophisticated molecules, revolutionizing targeted drug delivery systems.
Unexpected Drug Source
Unexpected Drug Source
The antibiotic vancomycin was originally derived from soil bacteria in the jungles of Borneo, showcasing the surprising origins of life-saving drugs. Mascot
What percentage of new drugs are organic compounds?
Over 90%
Around 75%
Less than 50%