Molecular Geometry Basics

Molecular Geometry Basics
Molecular Geometry Basics
Molecules adopt specific shapes due to electron pair repulsions. VSEPR theory predicts shapes by minimizing these repulsions. Geometry influences molecule's properties, such as polarity and reactivity.
Electron Pair Repulsion
Electron Pair Repulsion
Electron pairs around a central atom are arranged as far apart as possible to reduce repulsive forces. Lone pairs exert more repulsion than bonded pairs, affecting the molecular shape.
Geometry Determines Reactivity
Geometry Determines Reactivity
Molecular geometry is crucial for reactivity. For instance, tetrahedral-shaped molecules with polar bonds can be asymmetrical, creating a dipole that influences how they interact with other molecules.
Influence of Hybridization
Influence of Hybridization
Orbital hybridization reshapes atomic orbitals, affecting molecular geometry. For example, carbon's sp3 hybridization leads to its tetrahedral structure in alkanes, while sp2 leads to planar structures in alkenes.
Aromaticity and Stability
Aromaticity and Stability
Benzene's hexagonal planar shape is a result of sp2 hybridization. Its aromaticity, a concept beyond basic geometry, endows remarkable stability and unique reactivity due to delocalized electrons.
Molecular Symmetry
Molecular Symmetry
Molecules with symmetrical shapes can be nonpolar despite having polar bonds. Symmetry causes the cancellation of dipole moments, as seen in carbon dioxide's linear shape.
Predicting 3D Structures
Predicting 3D Structures
Advanced computational chemistry can predict molecular geometry before synthesis. This enables the design of molecules with desired properties, a revolutionary approach in drug discovery and materials science. Mascot
What dictates molecular shape?
Atomic number of elements
Electron pair repulsions
Number of molecular bonds