Introduction to Chemistry

Introduction to Chemistry
Introduction to Chemistry
Chemistry is the scientific study of matter, its properties, how and why substances combine or separate, and how they interact with energy. It involves analyzing the composition, structure, and changes of matter.
Branches of Chemistry
Branches of Chemistry
Chemistry has five main branches: organic, inorganic, analytical, physical, and biochemistry. Each branch focuses on different aspects of matter, from the study of carbon-based compounds to the analysis of substances at the atomic level.
Chemistry in Everyday Life
Chemistry in Everyday Life
Chemistry is everywhere: in cooking, cleaning, medicine, and even in the air we breathe. The process of baking a cake involves chemical reactions, as does the mechanism of your body's metabolism.
Surprising Chemical Facts
Surprising Chemical Facts
Did you know that water can exist in all three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) simultaneously under certain conditions? This phenomenon is called the triple point and occurs at a specific temperature and pressure.
Modern Chemistry Innovations
Modern Chemistry Innovations
Recent advancements include the development of smart materials that change properties under different conditions and CRISPR technology, which allows precise editing of DNA for medical and agricultural improvements.
Glass is a Liquid
Glass is a Liquid
Despite appearing solid, glass is an amorphous solid and flows very slowly over time, evidenced by thicker bottoms of ancient glass windows. Mascot
What phenomenon involves all states of matter?
Triple point of water
Solid-liquid equilibrium
Phase transition theory