Understanding Fire Extinguishers and Their Usage

Understanding Fire Extinguishers
Understanding Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers are vital safety devices, designed to combat different classes of fires using various extinguishing agents tailored to specific fire types.
Extinguisher Types Explained
Extinguisher Types Explained
There are five main types: Water, Foam, Dry Powder, CO2, and Wet Chemical. Each is coded with a color and symbol for the fire classes it's suited to extinguish.
The Fire Triangle
The Fire Triangle
Fire needs heat, fuel, and oxygen to continue burning. Extinguishers work by removing one or more of these elements, effectively smothering the fire.
Innovative Extinguishing Agents
Innovative Extinguishing Agents
Beyond traditional agents, newer technologies use materials like liquid nitrogen or sound waves to disrupt fires, offering non-toxic and residue-free alternatives.
Proper Extinguisher Usage
Proper Extinguisher Usage
Using an extinguisher involves a four-step process known as PASS: Pull the pin, Aim low, Squeeze the handle, Sweep side to side.
Surprising Extinguisher Fact
Surprising Extinguisher Fact
Did you know? Ancient Romans used vinegar-soaked cloths to smother fires, a precursor to modern extinguishers!
Learn.xyz Mascot
What removes the fire's fuel?
Water extinguishers
Removing oxygen
Extinguishing agents