Total Quality Management: Principles and Practices

TQM Origins and Evolution
TQM Origins and Evolution
Total Quality Management (TQM) originated post-World War II, with influences from statisticians like Deming and Juran. TQM's evolution emphasizes continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and integrating quality into the corporate culture, not just production.
TQM Philosophical Elements
TQM Philosophical Elements
TQM rests on a philosophy that blends ethical integrity, trust, and teamwork. It fosters an environment where every employee is committed to maintaining high standards, and where suppliers and customers are considered integral to the quality process.
Seven Basic TQM Tools
Seven Basic TQM Tools
TQM utilizes seven basic tools for problem-solving: flowcharts, check sheets, Pareto charts, cause-and-effect diagrams, histograms, control charts, and scatter diagrams. These tools help in analyzing data, spotting trends, and identifying the root causes of quality issues.
Pillars of TQM
Pillars of TQM
The four pillars of TQM are Customer Focus, Total Employee Involvement, Process Approach, and Continuous Improvement. Together, they create a strong foundation for a company-wide commitment to quality.
TQM in Services
TQM in Services
TQM isn't just for manufacturing; it's crucial in service industries too. Service-oriented TQM focuses on responsiveness, service quality, and creating a feedback loop with customers to continuously improve service delivery.
TQM Success Stories
TQM Success Stories
Companies like Toyota and Motorola have successfully implemented TQM, reducing defects, improving customer satisfaction, and saving billions. Motorola's Six Sigma program, inspired by TQM principles, became a benchmark for quality improvement.
TQM's Global Impact
TQM's Global Impact
Globalization has spread TQM principles worldwide, leading to international quality standards like ISO 9000. These standards help organizations universally define and measure quality, fostering global competition and cooperation. Mascot
Who influenced TQM's origin?
Ford and Rockefeller
Deming and Juran
Taylor and Fayol