The History and Craft of Using Quills

Quill Usage Beginnings
Quill Usage Beginnings
The quill, a flight feather from a large bird, was the primary writing instrument from the 6th to 19th century. Its origin predates medieval Europe, with variations used in antiquity.
Selecting the Feather
Selecting the Feather
Preferably, quills were made from goose, swan, or turkey feathers. The flight feathers, or primaries, from the left wing were favored because they curve outward from a right-handed writer, making writing smoother.
Preparation Process
Preparation Process
Quill-making involved tempering, a process of hardening the barrel. Feathers were submerged in hot sand to condition them, making the quill more resilient to splitting and creating a finer writing point.
Cutting the Nib
Cutting the Nib
The art of cutting a quill was called 'penn-cutting'. An expert might slice a fine point to create delicate script or a broader tip for bolder, more visible lines, depending on the desired style.
Ink and Quills
Ink and Quills
Early inks used with quills were iron gall inks, made from iron salts and tannic acids from galls. This ink was durable and adhered well to parchment but corroded the quill tips quickly.
Quill Pen Longevity
Quill Pen Longevity
A quill could last for only a week before it needed to be re-cut, which was a skillful task. The most diligent scribes would care for their quills meticulously, ensuring a longer life span.
Quills to Steel Nibs
Quills to Steel Nibs
The industrial revolution brought mass-produced steel pen nibs, which replaced quills by the 19th century. They were more durable, did not require cutting and could be cheaply replaced. Mascot
What was the primary writing tool until the 19th century?
The reed pen
The quill
The fountain pen