Exploring Knowledge Management: From Basics to AI Integration

Defining Knowledge Management
Defining Knowledge Management
Knowledge management encompasses collecting, organizing, sharing, and analyzing an organization's knowledge in terms of resources, documents, and people skills.
Historical Perspective
Historical Perspective
Surprisingly, the practice dates back to when ancient civilizations passed on knowledge orally. The modern concept evolved with Information Technology's rise in the late 20th century.
Tacit vs Explicit Knowledge
Tacit vs Explicit Knowledge
Tacit knowledge is personal and context-specific, often challenging to communicate. Explicit knowledge is documented and easily shared. Companies need strategies for both types.
KM Systems Implementation
KM Systems Implementation
A Harvard Business Review study found that successful KM systems implementation hinges on blending technology with incentives and organizational culture that encourages knowledge sharing.
Social Network Analysis
Social Network Analysis
An emerging tool in KM, Social Network Analysis maps relationships and knowledge flow within an organization, identifying key players and potential bottlenecks.
The Knowledge Economy
The Knowledge Economy
In a knowledge economy, up to 70% of the value of publicly traded companies is intangible assets, mostly knowledge-based. This underlines the strategic importance of KM.
AI and Knowledge Management
AI and Knowledge Management
Artificial Intelligence revolutionizes KM by automating complex processes for capturing tacit knowledge and by providing advanced analytics for better decision-making.
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What is knowledge management?
Process of sharing personal anecdotes
Organizing and analyzing organizational knowledge
Study of ancient civilizations