Exploring Leadership Trait Theory

Leadership Trait Theory Intro
Leadership Trait Theory Intro
Trait theory suggests effective leaders share common characteristics. It emerged from the 'Great Man' theory of the 19th century, proposing that leadership is innate, not developed.
Core Leadership Traits
Core Leadership Traits
Studies reveal key traits: intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability. These traits differentiate leaders from non-leaders, contributing to their effectiveness and organizational success.
Trait Theory Evolution
Trait Theory Evolution
Initially, trait theory didn't consider situational variables. Today, it recognizes environmental influences, integrating the interaction between leader traits and the demands of various contexts.
Criticisms and Limitations
Criticisms and Limitations
Critics argue trait theory is overly simplistic, ignoring skills and relationships. It fails to account for leadership behaviors learned over time or the diversity of effective leadership styles.
Trait vs. Behavior Theories
Trait vs. Behavior Theories
Contrasting trait theory, behavior theories suggest leaders can be trained, emphasizing learned actions and strategies over innate qualities. This paved the way for more dynamic leadership models.
Trait Theory in Practice
Trait Theory in Practice
Modern adaptations of trait theory include emotional intelligence as a leadership trait. It underscores the leader's ability to manage emotions for team motivation and effective decision-making.
Predictive Power
Predictive Power
Despite criticisms, trait theory remains influential. It offers a framework for predicting leadership effectiveness, aiding in the selection and development of potential leaders within organizations.
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What does leadership trait theory suggest?
Leaders are trained, not born
Leaders share common characteristics
Leadership varies by situation