The Genetic Lottery and the Journey from Conception to Birth

The Genetic Lottery Begins
The Genetic Lottery Begins
Making a baby starts with the random combination of chromosomes. Each parent contributes 23, but the resulting 70 trillion different combinations ensure each child is genetically unique.
Sperm's Long Journey
Sperm's Long Journey
Out of roughly 250 million sperm released, only about 200 reach the egg. This voyage is the equivalent of a human swimming across the Pacific Ocean to meet a single individual.
Egg's Selective Nature
Egg's Selective Nature
The egg is not a passive participant; it can chemically attract or repel sperm. This selection may influence which sperm succeeds, adding another layer to human genetic diversity.
Embryo's Genetic Proofreading
Embryo's Genetic Proofreading
Post-fertilization, the embryo starts dividing rapidly. During these divisions, the cells have mechanisms to repair DNA mistakes, preventing many potential genetic disorders.
Mothers' Mitochondrial Donation
Mothers' Mitochondrial Donation
Mitochondria, the cell's energy factories, are inherited solely from the mother. This matrilineal inheritance pattern gives us a unique insight into maternal ancestry.
Fetal Microchimerism Mystery
Fetal Microchimerism Mystery
Cells from the fetus can migrate and integrate into the mother's body, remaining for years. These cells can both benefit and complicate the mother's health, a phenomenon known as fetal microchimerism.
Babies Remember Womb Melodies
Babies Remember Womb Melodies
Infants can recognize and prefer melodies they heard frequently while in the womb. This suggests that the foundation for memory and learning may be laid down before birth. Mascot
How many chromosome combinations possible?
70 million combinations
70 trillion combinations
23 chromosome pairs