Genes and Genetics: Exploring the Fabric of Our DNA

Genes: Blueprint of Life
Genes: Blueprint of Life
Genes are made up of DNA and act as instructions to make molecules called proteins. Every person has about 20,000-25,000 genes, which are the common basis for our shared humanity.
Chromosomes: Genetic Storage
Chromosomes: Genetic Storage
Humans typically have 23 pairs of chromosomes, housed within the nucleus of every cell. They're organized structures of DNA and protein that make it possible to pass genetic information.
DNA: Double Helix
DNA: Double Helix
The structure of DNA is a double helix, which resembles a twisted ladder. Its discovery in 1953 by Watson and Crick revolutionized biology and won a Nobel Prize.
Genetic Variability
Genetic Variability
Most human genes are nearly identical in all people, but less than 1% of genes are slightly different between individuals. This variation is the root of our uniqueness.
Mutations and Evolution
Mutations and Evolution
Mutations are errors in gene copying process, often neutral but can cause diseases or confer advantages. Over time, beneficial mutations may spread through populations, driving evolution.
Human Chromosome Curiosities
Human Chromosome Curiosities
The 2nd human chromosome is a result of an ancient fusion. This fusion is absent in our closest ape relatives, which is why they have 24 pairs.
Epigenetics: Beyond Genetics
Epigenetics: Beyond Genetics
Epigenetics involves changes in gene activity without altering the DNA sequence. Lifestyle and environmental factors can affect these epigenetic marks, which can also be inherited. Mascot
What are genes primarily made of?
Proteins and RNA
DNA sequences
Chromosomal fibers