Exploring the Human Brain: Composition, Function, and Growth

The Brain's Astonishing Composition
The Brain's Astonishing Composition
Our brain consists of approximately 86 billion neurons. Each neuron forms about 1,000 to 10,000 synapses, equating to more than 100 trillion connections, all fitting within our skulls.
Neurogenesis: Brain's Growth Ability
Neurogenesis: Brain's Growth Ability
Contrary to long-held beliefs, the adult human brain can grow new neurons, a process called neurogenesis. This occurs mainly in the hippocampus, a region critical for learning and memory.
Cerebral Asymmetry: Sided Brain Functions
Cerebral Asymmetry: Sided Brain Functions
The brain exhibits lateralization, meaning that the left and right hemispheres have different functions. For instance, language comprehension is typically a left-hemisphere function, while spatial abilities favor the right.
Brain's Energy Consumption Powerhouse
Brain's Energy Consumption Powerhouse
The brain is an energy-intensive organ, using about 20% of the body's energy, despite only making up about 2% of an adult's body weight. It needs constant fuel, primarily glucose, to function.
Brainwaves: Signatures of Mental States
Brainwaves: Signatures of Mental States
Brain activity can be measured in waves. These range from delta waves during deep sleep to the fast-paced gamma waves when engaged in high-level information processing tasks.
Protective Blood-Brain Barrier
Protective Blood-Brain Barrier
The brain is protected by the blood-brain barrier, a selective semipermeable border that prevents most chemicals in the blood from entering the brain, safeguarding it from toxins and pathogens.
Gut-Brain Axis: Surprising Connection
Gut-Brain Axis: Surprising Connection
Recent research highlights a 'second brain' in our gut, known as the enteric nervous system. It communicates with the brain, affecting mood and mental health, hinting at the complexity of our body systems.
Learn.xyz Mascot
How many neurons in the human brain?
Approximately 86 million
Approximately 86 billion
Over 100 trillion