Mars Through the Lens: A Journey with Robotic Eyes

First Mars Photos Ever
First Mars Photos Ever
The first close-up pictures of Mars were captured by Mariner 4 in 1965. These grainy black-and-white images revealed a cratered surface, dispelling the myth of Martian canals and igniting further interest in the Red Planet.
Color Images from Viking
Color Images from Viking
In 1976, the Viking missions sent back the first color images of Mars. These photos showcased the planet's rusty-red soil and pinkish sky, providing a more accurate representation of the Martian landscape and atmosphere.
Curiosity's High-Resolution Panorama
Curiosity's High-Resolution Panorama
NASA's Curiosity rover has captured stunning high-resolution panoramas of Mars since 2012. These detailed images allow scientists to study the planet's geology and climate in unprecedented detail, revealing evidence of ancient water flows.
Hidden Ice Deposits Revealed
Hidden Ice Deposits Revealed
In 2018, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter discovered extensive ice deposits just below the surface. High-resolution images showed cliffs with exposed ice, suggesting that Mars has more accessible water than previously thought, crucial for future human missions.
Mars Helicopter's Aerial Photos
Mars Helicopter's Aerial Photos
In 2021, the Ingenuity helicopter captured the first aerial photos of Mars. These unique images provide a bird's-eye view of the Martian terrain, offering new perspectives and helping plan future rover routes and missions.
Mars' Blue Sunset
Mars' Blue Sunset
Unlike Earth, Mars experiences blue sunsets due to its thin atmosphere scattering sunlight differently, creating an unusual yet beautiful phenomenon. Mascot
Which mission dispelled Martian canal myths?
Viking in 1976
Curiosity in 2012
Mariner 4 in 1965