Understanding Serbian Tax System

Understanding Serbian Tax System
Understanding Serbian Tax System
Serbia's tax system is a mix of direct and indirect taxes. It includes personal income tax, corporate tax, and VAT. Tax rates are competitive to attract investment and stimulate economic growth.
Personal Income Tax Structure
Personal Income Tax Structure
Residents are taxed on worldwide income, while non-residents are taxed only on Serbian-source income. Progressive rates apply: 10% up to three times the average salary, and 15% thereafter.
Corporate Tax Basics
Corporate Tax Basics
Serbia's standard corporate tax rate is 15%, one of Europe's lowest. Special incentives exist for investors, including tax holidays and lower rates for companies in designated areas.
VAT and Tax Exemptions
VAT and Tax Exemptions
Value Added Tax (VAT) is 20%, with a reduced rate of 10% for certain goods. Exports are zero-rated. Essential goods like medicines and certain foodstuffs are exempt or subject to reduced rates.
Unique Property Tax Features
Unique Property Tax Features
Property tax in Serbia is paid annually by owners, based on the property's location and size. Interestingly, the tax rate is determined locally, not nationally, allowing for regional variations.
Tax Treaties and Relief
Tax Treaties and Relief
Serbia has double taxation treaties with many countries, aiming to prevent double taxation and tax evasion. Residents can often claim foreign tax credit relief for taxes paid abroad.
Unusual Tax on E-Services
Unusual Tax on E-Services
Serbia introduced a unique digital service tax, requiring foreign providers of electronic services to register and pay VAT. This includes streaming, gaming, and app services, extending tax reach.
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What taxes comprise Serbian system?
Income, corporate, VAT
Sales, luxury, estate
Inheritance, gift, payroll